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روشهاي تقسيم كار در بين پرستاري

روشهاي تقسيم كار در بين پرستاري

نام فایل : روشهاي تقسيم كار در بين پرستاري

فرمت : .doc

تعداد صفحه/اسلاید : 1

حجم : 45 کیلوبایت

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Nurses, also called registered nurses or RNs, take care of sick and injured people. They give people medicine. They treat wounds. And they give emotional support to patients and their families.
Nurses ask patients about their symptoms and keep detailed records. They watch for signs that people are sick. Then, nurses help doctors examine and treat patients.
Some nurses help to give tests to find out why people are sick. Some also do lab work to get test results.
Nurses also teach people how to take care of themselves and their families. Some nurses teach people about diet and exercise and how to follow doctors instructions. Some nurses run clinics and immunization centers.
Nurses can focus on treating one type of patient, such as babies or children. They can also focus on one type of problem. Some focus on helping doctors during surgery, for example. Others work in emergency rooms or intensive care units.
Many nurses work in doctors offices. They help with medical tests, give medicines, and dress wounds. Some also do lab and office work.
Home health nurses go to peoples homes to help them. Flight nurses fly in helicopters to get to sick people in emergencies.

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  انتشار : ۱۱ تیر ۱۳۹۸               تعداد بازدید : 80

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